Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summary of hashCode and equals methos in Java

Summary & Miscellaneous Tips about hashCode and equals method
  • Equal objects must produce the same hash code as long as they are equal, however unequal objects need not produce distinct hash codes.
  • The equals method provides "deep comparison" by checking if two objects are logically equal as opposed to the "shallow comparison" provided by the equality operator ==.
  • However, the equals method in java.lang.Object class only provides "shallow comparison", same as provided by the equality operator ==.
  • The equals method only takes Java objects as an argument, and not primitives; passing primitives will result in a compile time error.
  • Passing objects of different types to the equals method will never result in a compile time error or runtime error.
  • For standard Java wrapper classes and for java.lang.String, if the equals argument type (class) is different from the type of the object on which the equals method is invoked, it will return false.
  • The class java.lang.StringBuffer does not override the equals method, and hence it inherits the implementation from java.lang.Object class.
  • The equals method must not provide equality comparison with any built in Java class, as it would result in the violation of the symmetry requirement stated in the general contract of the equals method.
  • If null is passed as an argument to the equals method, it will return false.
  • Equal hash codes do not imply that the objects are equal.
  • return 1; is a legal implementation of the hashCode method, however it is a very bad implementation. It is legal because it ensures that equal objects will have equal hash codes, it also ensures that the hash code returned will be consistent for multiple invocations during the same execution. Thus, it does not violate the general contract of the hashCode method. It is a bad implementation because it returns same hash code for all the objects. This explanation applies to all implementations of the hashCode method which return same constant integer value for all the objects.
  • In standard JDK 1.4, the wrapper classes java.lang.Short, java.lang.Byte, java.lang.Character and java.lang.Integer simply return the value they represent as the hash code by typecasting it to an int.
  • Since JDK version 1.3, the class java.lang.String caches its hash code, i.e. it calculates the hash code only once and stores it in an instance variable and returns this value whenever the hashCode method is called. It is legal because java.lang.String represents an immutable string.
  • It is incorrect to involve a random number directly while computing the hash code of the class object, as it would not consistently return the same hash code for multiple invocations during the same execution.

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