Friday, September 11, 2015

Generic Type changes and improvements in Java 8

Java 8 propose some improvements to the existing type-argument inference support that will significantly reduce the need for explicit type-arguments in generic method calls.
1.     Inference in argument position
Consider the following class declaration:

class List {
   static  List nil() { ... };
   static  List cons(Z head, List tail) { ... };
   E head() { ... }

The result of a generic method, such as List.nil() may be inferred from the right-hand side of an assignment:

List ls = List.nil();

The compiler's type-inference mechanism figures out that the type-argument to the List.nil() call is indeed String. It seems reasonable that the compiler should be able to infer the type when the result of such a generic method invocation is passed to another method, as below:
List.cons(42, List.nil()); //error: expected List of Integer , found List of Object

Unfortunately, this is not allowed in JDK 5/6/7 -- the only option available to the programmer is to use an explicit type-argument:
List.cons(42, List.nil());

It would be nice if type-argument inference would be extended to consider the formal parameter type in a method call (target typing).

2.  Inference in chained calls

Another fairly common problem is when generic method calls are chained together, as below:
String s = List.nil().head(); //error: expected String, found Object

The right-hand type in the above assignment is unused during type-argument inference -- as a result, the only option for the programmer is (again) to manually specify type-arguments, as in:
String s = List.nil().head();

Again, it would be nice to remove the burden of explicit type-arguments by allowing the right-hand type of the assignment (String) to flow through the chain of generic method calls.

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